

Enterprise introduction



云南省玉溪市紅塔鋁型材廠成立�1992�,經過二十多年的發展,建成了具有先進水平的擠壓、氧�、電泳、立式噴��3D木紋、噴涂木紋、轉印木紋、斷橋隔熱生產線,專業生產建筑門�、幕�、工業、家具、太陽能等系列鋁合金型材,可根據用戶需求設計、加工各類鋁合金型材。產品各項指標均達到國際標準,企業通過了ISO9001上海質量體系認證,獲得“國家高新技術企業�、“云南省企業技術中心”等榮譽稱號� 企業成立鋁合金節能門窗一體化系統工程技術研究中�,自主研發鋁木復合門�、古典門窗生產線,可定制生產門、窗、護欄、亭子、板房等多種古典元素家居產品,采用榫�、攢�、插接、雕刻等傳統工藝,擁有發�、使用新�、外觀等多項專�,為全國首創鋁合金古典門窗,傳承了中國的古建筑門窗文��

Yunnan Yuxi Hongta aluminum profile factory was established in 1992. After more than 20 years of development, it has built an advanced production line of extrusion, oxidation, electrophoresis, vertical spraying, 3D wood grain, spraying wood grain, transfer printing wood grain and broken bridge thermal insulation. It specializes in producing a series of aluminum alloy profiles such as building doors and windows, curtain walls, industry, furniture and solar energy, which can be designed according to user needs Processing all kinds of aluminum alloy profiles. All indicators of the products have reached international standards. The enterprise has passed ISO9001 Shanghai quality system certification and won the honorary titles of "national high-tech enterprise" and "Yunnan enterprise technology center". The enterprise has established an aluminum alloy energy-saving door and window integration system engineering technology research center, independently developed aluminum wood composite door and window and classical door and window production lines, and can customize and produce a variety of classical element household products such as doors, windows, guardrails, pavilions and plank houses. It adopts traditional processes such as mortise and tenon, saving and inserting, inserting and engraving, and has a number of patents for invention, new use and appearance, It is the first aluminum alloy classical door and window in China and inherits China's ancient architectural door and window culture.

主站蜘蛛池模板: 夹江�| 友谊�| 崇礼�| 上饶�| 六枝特区| 枣庄�| 四子王旗| 连州�| 遂平�| 云南�| 泗洪�| 巴林左旗| 万盛�| 京山�| 抚顺�| 莎车�| 民和| 遵义�| 临朐�| 尼木�| 太仓�| 武安�| 嘉祥�| 公主岭市| 会理�| 苏尼特右�| 墨竹工卡�| 泸西�| 乌拉特后�| 神池�| 闽侯�| 汨罗�| 鹤庆�| 天峨�| 华宁�| 仲巴�| 吴旗�| 桃源�| 南昌�| 武夷山市| 湖北�|